What do you take for granted?

It’s been over a month since I posted my first blog on B4BS. Shortly after that post, I was taking a walk with my 2 yr old son when I slipped in the woods and slightly bumped my head on a log. It wasn’t a significant fall or injury, and I quickly brushed off and went about with my life.

Two days later, I was completely incapacitated with severe vertigo. So severe that any movement induced violent sickness, and I eventually ended up in the hospital for CT scans on my skull/brain. The results were relieving as we learned that the culprit was a disruption of my inner ear, and that it could be corrected through physical therapy.

The recovery however was not as easy as I expected. I spent the next couple weeks “living on a boat” in my own brain. The severity of my spinning world gradually decreased, but I had plenty of time to think about what is important in life, and what I take for granted. Our family has always been very health conscious, and I have been very fit throughout my military career. I never imagined a small bump could completely take me out of commission for weeks.

So what does all this have to do with B4BS? I started this NFP for the same reason. We (customers and business owners alike) have taken for granted the fact that we can shop and operate without being harassed by social bullies pushing an agenda. It is insane to think that in the past few months, the same people who demand tolerance for their own views have led the charge in persecuting any individual or business that does not pledge allegiance to the social agenda they promote.

What’s even scarier is that many of the social agendas that haven’t gained traction through normal channels, began to target local governments and businesses to demand that they forcibly instruct customers and businesses to comply with the demands of the agendas.

So the question is…”what do you take for granted?” Do you assume that you have the right to operate your business without supporting social agendas? Do you think your kids should be able to purchase goods without undue social influence by the businesses they patron. These and many other issues are at risk of being overtaken by the promoters of extreme agendas if we do not provide an avenue for unified opposition to this sort of bullying.

Just last week a Starbucks location printed “Defund the Police” on every label they put on their coffee cups. Regardless of perspective on the issue… a business that exist to provide coffee to ALL customers should not be promoting one side of a social argument. This is not only a very poor strategic business decision, it is continues to sew division in a society that is already stressed enough. Most businesses simply need to get back to the practice of Business 4 Business Sake!